Hello everyone!
    Today I want to talk about Quizlet. Quizlet is a free website providing learning tools including flashcards, study and game modes. Using Quizlet educators and students can create flashcards according to the subjects they desire. Using game mode students can measure their progress by racing against the clock to drag and match terms/definitions. Audio is available in 18 languages including English, Turkish and Spanish. Students can also use Quizlet from their mobile phones and tablets by downloading the apps so they can have access to Quizlet when/wherever they want. It is very easy to prepare the cards too.
    As teachers we can use Quizlet to make our classrooms more interactive. Creating flashcards for our students and creating classes for our students which they can share and discuss their materials will enhance language learning.

   Here is the link for the flashcards I created for 2nd grade, using Quizlet;


   I hope you find it interesting and use it. Till next time, stay healthy!


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